Welcome to Yourself
I believe that you were born to fulfill a purpose unique and individual to you alone. My goal as a Breathwork Coach and Reiki Master is to guide and support your growth and healing so that you can experience life as your fully actualized self, your whole self.
Your body is your home—past, present and future all at once—and whether you realize it or not, it has been quietly collecting the full spectrum of your experiences. That accumulation is why one day you might find yourself feeling “stuck”, “off”, “uninspired” or “lost”, or confronted with a health decline or issue.
Chronic stress, trauma and painful events or experiences stay with us long after they have transpired. Unresolved, they create blocks and patterns of behavior or thinking that keep us from our highest selves, from reaching professional goals or achieving feelings of peace and contentment that allow our relationships to flourish.
At root, we are energy. If we were to think our bodies as a Matryoshka doll, examining its parts from largest to smallest, we would eventually reach a point where we could get no smaller. That last “doll” is energy. Energy is at the center of every cell in every part of our body and it is the life force that sustains us. Breathwork and Reiki both focus on moving and releasing energy held in our bodies to improve our well-being. Through Breathwork and Reiki, you can clear blocks, patterns and behaviors that keep you, from you. Clearing the energy, releasing what is heavy, painful, or stagnant, creates space for what wants to come through you—just like weeding a garden or cleaning your house.
Breathwork: an active meditation.
Breathwork is a technique that draws on the breath to facilitate emotional release. Guided deep breathing triggers the release of endorphins, connecting you to a deeper part of yourself where you can reorient emotional defaults and patterns, connect to your intuition, access creativity and clarity.
Reiki: energy as nourishment.
Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress and relaxation that works with energy that flows through all of us. "Reiki" comes from the Japanese "Rei" (spiritual wisdom) and "Ki" (life force) and translates into "universal life force energy." Energy is redistributed or recharged through the “laying on hands”. This rebalancing raises your vibration levels, causing negative energy to dissipate allowing life force energy to flow in a healthy way. The result is a calm, centered-feeling—the place we are all meant to live from.